Hinged bonnet for a Morris J Type van and custom sheet metal lower panel
![Hinged bonnet for a Morris J Type van and custom sheet metal lower panel](http://static.shop033.com/resources/E8/2024/picture/77/86270327.jpg)
The bonnet on a Morris J Type use dzues style fasteners, so it comes completely off. They can be problematic, the paint chips around them and not to mention if the bonnet falls over and dents while its off. So Kustom Bitz has, as part of our restoration of this old J type, made the bonnet hindge. A custom made bonnet frame was made and the original bonnet skin was repaired and attached to our new bonnet frame. This also meant a custom lower front panel had to be made also because of the bonnet shape, to allow it to open into a slight recess. More pics can be found by following our Facebook page.